Monday, March 30, 2009

better late than never.

i hate feeling ignored.

class was fine, ive concluded my idea.

i'm way tired, being woke up at 7am thinking the alarm went off because of a burglar isn't fun.

sorry so short. must get to work on mary ellen's birthday surprise!


Monday, March 23, 2009

HEY!!!!!! da da da dadaaadaaaaa (said by crackhead sweet guy at TB)

today's class was sweet.
i truly was on the verge of melancholy and sadness from person things, and seeing Mary Ellen literally brightened up my day, week, month, mood. everything.
i dont mean to sound obsessed but i am. i hope Heaven is filled with people who have the same lively souls that she possesses.

another day brightener; the birthday boy himself bought my taco bell?
how nice is that.

especially when im freaking out over finances and wondering how i was going to eat dinner.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

kelp kelp kelp kelp

celebration of KELP inspired picture.
little to do with favorite idea/and word
but it is inspired by some sweet kelp thoughts.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

idea on mirrrrror

my idea on my mirror was to put the word "seat belt"

this idea came from the word law and will work as a reminder for me to always wear mine and if guests are in my car, to assure their safety too.

sounds cheesy but lets not cut our lives short people.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

day three of three (3/16/09)


being in South Carolina, i heard on the news a story about two different circumstances where two car wrecks caused fatality because the drivers didn't wear their seat belts.
i thought of "law". i mean it is a law to wear your seat belt and honestly HOW HARD IS IT to put on a seat belt.

ironically the same day my cousin had a reaction to low blood pressure and fainted while driving and landed in a ditch going very slow but had her seat belt on.

thank god.

who knows what could've happened.

law=seat belt.
how hard is it.



day two of three (3/15/09)


today law was on my mind in the academic sense...

just walking into the law building seems to be intimidating, most law students are very intelligent, determined, and focused.

I like to think i just as academically aware in my academics as well, but law has a more intimidating feeling.


day one of three (3/14/09)


i thought a lot about law in the sense that it has such a stern meaning, you cant get away with breaking it in many circumstances even if you have a substantial excuse.

ie: getting a ticket because you were speeding one mile over the speed limit, you still broke the law so some cops wont give you a break.

so in conclusion you cant "catch a break" with LAW.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

mirror mirror on the wall

has been taped to a mirror. by "a" mirror, I mean not my mirror because I am on spring break at my Uncle Steve's in South Carolina.

I'm sure no one gets it but its taped. picture below.

Thursday, March 12, 2009







Thursday, March 5, 2009

Road Through The Rain

what if i decided to do a project on the computer?
what if i copied Stans idea and did something with music and video?
what if i did something i was comfortable with instead of out of my comfort zone?
what if i didnt do anything at all for my final project?
what if i came up with an idea that was easy and required little time just to get it done fast?
what if i used a project from another class and doubled up to kill two birds with one stone?
what if someone in the class broke my final project like my egg project?
what if i do an amazing project, but turn it in digitally and never come back to class?
what if i totally wow'd beth but everyone else thought my project sucked?
what if i go so far out of my comfort zone that my project ends up changing my life around?
what if i used the project as en excuse to rekindle broken relationships with people around me?
what if tomorrow i drop out of school?
what if my project closely resembles someone else?
what if Beth never remembers my project?
what if i fell asleep while presenting?
what if i wanted to present my project by showing it first in public?
what if my project took place in the class room?
what if someone was offended by my project?
what if someone else's project offends me?
what if i keep asking what if?
what if i decided to use paints and markers to create my project?
what if i used a family member to construct my project?
what if my capstone inspires my project completely?
what if my final project became my capstone?
what if IUPUI has a fire drill during the presentation of my project?
what if my parents and friends disapproved of my project idea?
what if i fell asleep now?
what if i cant think of anything else for a final project
what if the morning of presentations, i wake up with amnesia?
what if i stole someone else's project right from their hands?
what if the class fell in love with my project?
what if it takes me 50 times to create my final project?
what if my final project ends up making me millions?
what if my project causes me to go broke?
what if i dont finish my project until the day of?
what if people noticed i cheated doing my project?
what if i change my mind on my project last minute?
what if i paid someone to do my project for me?
what if i love my project so much, i display it at my college open house?
what if my project sparks a project
what if this blog erased all my 50 questions before i post it?
what if no one cares about my project?
what if no one posts to my blog any "what if" questions?
what if my final project changes someone else's life?
what if IUPUI posted my final project in the IUPUI magazine?
what if i complete my final project but never turn it in?
what if i hoard all my talent and complete something more simple?
what if i had all year to work on my final project?
what if the project was due during the summer time?

Monday, March 2, 2009

i didnt want to mean that much to me was much relaxing after a pretty sad and bad weekend

i had a good time listening to other people share their thoughts, and Beth's thoughts....

I love the freedom we have for the final project, i am excited to branch off my normal new media mind set and do something DIFFERENT, not necessarily original because as we have discussed nothing is original.

off i go to float around ideas in my head for my final project
