Monday, March 8, 2010

what in theeeeeee

Ok this is media-ish slash a topic we could discuss possibly in class....i was watching tv a few days ago and saw a commercial for a car that PARALLEL parks itself?!?!

I mean, who knows where cars are headed if they are beginning to control their own actions.

short post but i had to share this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie,

    We're definitely headed into the era where cars will drive themselves, which has its good sides and its bad. In England, there are roads which talk to your car and regulate the speed that you can drive, by reading your speedometer, when you cross over a certain point in the road. If you're over the limit, you receive an automatic ticket - no need for police patrols. It's very similar to the stoplight cameras posted around Indianapolis. They have also tested systems that literally will not allow a driver's automobile to break the speed limit. Which is a good way of enforcing the law, but is bad if you're trying to make it to the hospital for an ER visit. Here in the US, parents can put these types of controls into their kid's vehicles which won't allow them to surpass a certain speed, and can also install surveillance devices that allow them to see where their child's car is at all times, know how fast they are driving, and some even posting cameras to see what is happening inside the vehicles.
    The technology is here that will allow the car to parallel park itself, which will soon lead to cars driving themselves. However, with this kind of technology comes the ability for people to know where you are, how fast you're driving, and possibly what's happening in your vehicle. It's very "Big Brother"-esque. But, these types of tracking methods are already in place, with things like the OnStar system and cell phones. So, I guess, if people want to find you, or spy on you, they already have the capability to do so. I'm just hoping it's a while before they start tracking our speed every 50 feet. I do like getting where I'm going in the fast lane.
